Home arrow Lifeboat Benefit Guide
Lifeboat Benefit Guide
Thank you for choosing Seven Corners
to service your international health
insurance needs. Our goal is to provide
you with complete, efficient, and
helpful service. We have created this
Benefit Guide as a quick reference tool
for your benefits.

This Benefit Guide is a summary
of emergency information and
instructions; it is not a substitute for
your review of the Certificate of
Insurance which has been provided.
For a full and detailed explanation of
benefits, provisions, and exclusions
from which claims are processed and
coverage determinations made,
please refer to the official Certificate
of Insurance. If you do not have a
copy of the Certificate of Insurance,
please immediately contact Seven
Corners for another copy.

Group Number: LON06-060101-03G
Lifeboat Medical

Your ID card contains important contact information and your individual certificate number, which you will need when you contact us.

Finding a Provider:
U.S. and International PPO information for your plan can be found here:
http://www.sevencorners.com/networkproviders/insuredproducts (u.s. providers only)
Available by phone from our Assist Department 24/7
Inside the United States: 1-800-690-6295;
Outside the United States: 0-317-818-2808 (Collect)
Fax: 1-317-815-5984
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
A complete list of international providers is also available at Wellabroad.com

Wellabroad.com: Our real-time, information-rich Web site offers quick and easy access to important and varied travel information free to our insureds. It contains travel advisories and warnings as well as country-specific background information including entry requirements, languages, and airport locations. The site also provides common travel resources such as international area codes, language tools and currency and time zone converters. You will find a complete listing of international providers here as well.

MyPlan: This service area provides information about your eligibilitv, preferred providers, and claims (including Explanation of Benefit forms). You may also contact us through this area. Instructions for accessing MyPlan are provided on your ID card.

Understanding Your Benefits: Attached you will find a brief Schedule of Benefits with detail on your deductible, coinsurance; and benefits.

Deductible and Coinsurance: Your plan provides coverage inside and outside of the United States (defined as the 50 United States of America and the District of Columbia). Should any Insured Person reside in the United States longer than 180 day during any given 364 day Coverage Period, their Coverage shall immediately terminate. Please see the attached Schedule of Benefits for details.

Pre-Notification Guidelines: Your complete benefits often require that you give notice to Seven Corners either before or within 48 hours of receiving treatment. You must notify Seven Corners through our Assist department at the contact information shown above by phone, fax, or e-mail.

1. You (or someone on your behalf) must notify Seven Corners 48 hours before a scheduled, non-emergency hospital
admission anywhere in the world.
2. You (or someone on your behalf) must notify Seven Corners within 48 hours of an emergency hospital admission anywhere
in the world.
3. You (or someone on your behalf) must notify Seven Corners 48 hours before incurring any expense in excess of US $1,000 within the United States.

Failure to pre-notify as stated will result in a reduction of benefits and/or an additional deductible. Pre-notification does not guarantee payment of benefits.

Kuffel, Collimore & Company
1434 Blume Drive
Elgin, IL 60124-8719

This Benefit Guide is provided as a quick reference for emergency information and instructions. For a full and detailed explanation of benefits, provisions, and exclusions from which claims are processed and coverage determinations made, please refer to the official Certificate of Insurance available from Seven Corners.


Kuffel, Collimore & Co.

3701 W Algonquin Rd #570
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Phone: 630-806-8032
Fax: 630-723-0882
Toll Free: (877) 335-1234
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kuffel, Collimore & Company |  Toll Free (877) 335-1234This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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